Work is all about relationships — you and your boss, you and your managers, you and your teammates, you and your direct reports, and everyone else. Every single one of the relationships we have at work (as well as everywhere) has to be carefully managed, or it can go south fast. At work, compound that need to manage your relationships with the pressure of the workflow, and there’s little margin for error. And teams are becoming the functional nucleus for more and more organizations. 81% of employees work on teams — cross-functional, multi-layered, remote, hybrid, of all shapes and sizes. And no team can function without great management and great relationships. But here’s the good news: managing is a skill like any other. There are effective strategies and approaches for every kind of managing we do: up, down and across — to improve our work, our effectiveness, and our relationships.
Today we’re going to learn from an expert on the workplace — in fact she’s an expert on so many facets of technology and teams that it’s hard to keep track.